
My work explores forms that are rooted in nature, science, and the supernatural. When creating a sculpture, I’m driven to uncover the life within it — its physicality, energy, and juxtaposition of interior and exterior shape. My goal is to make sculptures that transcend reality and invite visceral engagement.

I am physically and emotionally absorbed in my pieces at every step of the process. I crave getting my hands dirty, modeling clay, making a mess, and adding and subtracting material. It’s a thrilling quest to discover order in chaos, and to activate my sculptures by demonstrating movement through shape, color, and light.

Informed by training in both classical and modern sculpture, my work is layered. I combine mystical archetypes and technical innovation to produce pieces that are large and weighty yet appear light and ethereal. They are created with translucent materials, allowing color and form to shift as sculptures are viewed from alternate perspectives — simultaneously exposing their outer presence and inner soul.